----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Gentry" <peter.gen...@sunscales.co.uk>
To: <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2012 10:09 AM
Subject: RE: RE:Markup query
>As others have said, it is definitely in the notation PDF.
As an alternative to searching (which always used to be my first
port-of-call) may I suggest you explore using the index
instead or as well.
You may find that quicker and more accurate.
If you have specific proposals for improvements, please let us
know. And if
you want an example of a really bad manual, try Sibelius.
Phil Holmes
I have now downloaded the notation.pdf which looks like a key manual. I
didn't before because the html referred to 2.16 anyway most
of the markup problems are dealt with in there.
I seem to have touched a nerve somewhere.
Not at all. I'm simply offering alternative ways to look for what you're
trying to do. If you are trying to do anything more complex than very
simple stuff, the notation manual is where you should look.
I don't mean to criticise the manuals when clearly a huge effort has gone
into preparing
them. I only observe that they seem to be largely aimed at those familiar
with the syntax allready.
That's certainly not the intention of the learning manual.
I think the simple examples are fine to get you started but you soon run
into deep water when ones limited knowledge trips you up.
As a small example setting various swiches true/false in the paper block
often seems to have no effect - I guess the reason is that
those switches are irrelevant in the context.
This should never be the case. Please give examples.
The capablilities of Lilypond are vast probably more extensive than any
other single piece of music software I have encountered
(Sibelius is way too expensive for me to try). I recommend NoteWorthy
Composer and Lilypond to everyone. Forgive me for being thick.
Do you use my Noteworthy->Lilypond converter?
Phil Holmes
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