The solution I was struggling towards was

stamp = \markup{\concat { Engraved  \bold \date with  \with-url 
#""; "LilyPond " } }

 I just never thought of the combination \markup and \concat in the definition 
of my variable stamp - to busy thinking in c++ string

Doh. Thanks for bearing with me

 >-----Original Message-----
>From: Phil Holmes [] 
>Sent: Monday, September 03, 2012 12:46 PM
>To: Peter Gentry; LilyPond User Group
>Subject: Re: Markup Query
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Peter Gentry" <>
>To: "'Phil Holmes'" <>
>Sent: Monday, September 03, 2012 12:20 PM
>Subject: RE: Markup Query
>> Phil
>> I want the result to be as the first, ie one text string 
>centred on the 
>> page.
>> I realise that the first example achieves this- however in 
>general I would 
>> like to be able to concatonate
>> data into one string that I could centre on the page without 
>having to 
>> manually calculate the required hspace. The second syntax
>> does this but splits up the components of the string and 
>spaces then on 
>> new lines.
>This should do what you want.
>date = "01-02-2012"
>\markup {
> \fill-line {
>   \concat { "Engraved " \bold \date " with " \with-url 
>#""; "LilyPond " \simple #(lilypond-version) " 
>(" }
>  }
>Please remember to "reply-all" so that the mailing list also 
>sees updates.
>Phil Holmes 

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