On 6 sept. 2012, at 08:06, Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:
>>> The reason we can't just override the text property is because it
>>> is junked and reset internally in LilyPond. The
>>> unpure-pure-container makes sure that the chord is taken into
>>> account in horizontal spacing calculations. Anytime you override a
>>> stencil, try to use an unpure-pure-container.
>> Where is this documented in the user manuals? Where in the code?
> You have beaten me by a few minutes :-)
> Werner
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unpure-pure stuff is:
and also in the CG
The kludge I used is not documented anywhere - I looked in define-grobs.scm,
saw that it was using ly:text-interface::print but that there was no callback
for text, which means that it must be set in the code. So the stencil function
(or a number of other ones) could be hijacked to set text.
I'm a big fan of not calling Grob::set_property anywhere in the C++ unless it
is absolutely necessary, so it'd be great to git rid of this.
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