Thanks very much for all the suggestions - I will try them out.
Yes, I am wanting to set a lower limit to how close notes are squeezed to meet 
the  "page-breaking = #ly:page-turn-breaking"
requirement so that ledger lines do not almost overlap producing something akin 
to a moire pattern .
I need to think more carefully about page turns possibly change the squeezing 
just for the affected bars. Thinking cap on...Some
music just does not allow nice page turns maybe I'll just have to get the 
scissors out?
Syntax is a huge problem - the manuals often provide several ways to achieve a 
result fine but they almost never indicate the full
syntax and the required context. This is not a complaint - I can imagine the 
complexity and breadth of the program. This with its
many highly skilled contributors makes  a single unified context an extremely 
difficult goal to achieve.
Could I suggest that the tutorial is rather too quick to drop from the full 
input context down to short snippets which leaves the
learner confused not knowing which sections of input to assume are implied and 
where to slot the snippet and what else is implied by
the snippet.
For instance when combining music files into a part score via a "\include" in the \newstaff section I seem to need the
<<.....>> construct which is not the same as {...} . 
I feel like a tyro who thinks he has just about understood the basics of C++ 
and is thrown by the more complex structures on page
100...I need to understand the overall context before I can reliably fiddle 
with the components but life is short. 
I have looked at the templates but these (quartets for example) seem to be far 
more complex than files I have prepared for quartets
is there any move to allow users to share their files under the Lilypond 
umbrella many of us have our own modest web sites or are
copyright problems to onerous to allow this?

Peter Gentry 

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