On 13 août 2012, at 05:35, Keith OHara <k-ohara5...@oco.net> wrote:

> Peter Gentry <peter.gentry <at> sunscales.co.uk> writes:
>> I have a score with many 
>> repeated beamed quavers and semi-quavers on ledger lines. The default 
>> layout is difficult to read as ledger lines and the staff produce an almost 
>> hypnotic effect which confuses the reader. This results in loss of 
>> concentration and rythmic stumbles. I would like to space these beamed notes 
>> out to provide white space between the notes.
> You can increase the gap between ledger lines:
> { \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'minimum-length-fraction = #0.5
>   \repeat "unfold" 4 { <c''' f'''>8 <d''' e'''>} }
> Or, possibly it would be better in your case to enforce a minimum
> spacing, so the short-duration notes do not get spaced as closely as
> usual, whether there are ledgers or not.  Here I can only think of
> an indirect way, by requesting extra space in teh note-spacing step
> at the left of each stem:
> { \override Stem #'extra-spacing-width = #'(-1.5 . 0)
>  \repeat "unfold" 4 { <c''' f'''>8 <d''' e'''>} }

Another solution I've seen in the music of Hans Tutschku is to use a staff 
above the staff.  This can be done like so:

\new Staff
 \relative c'' {
   a b c d |
   e f g a |
   b c
   \override Staff . StaffSymbol #'line-positions =
     #'(-4 -2 0 2 4 10 12 14 16 18)
   d e  
   f g a b |
   c d e f |

Pianists tend to understand this when sight reading.


>> I am finding the syntax difficult to grasp 
> The syntax is difficult.  Another difficulty is that you need to know 
> to type such things as Staff.LedgerLineSpanner because ledger lines are
> handled at the Staff level (which makes sense of you think of possible 
> ledger lines in music with two voices).  LilyPond silently ignores
> the request if you forget the Staff (for which there is some weak excuse
> because users are free to engrave LedgerLineSpanners for each voice, if
> they need to ).  There has been talk about trying to give a helpful message
> instead of silence, but it did not look easy.
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