On Thu, 02 Aug 2012 13:30:19 +0200
Gilles <gilles.thiba...@free.fr> wrote:

> > The request is for six commands (NOT markups, but actual music
> > commands that affect the MIDI output and so on):
> > \segno
> > \fine
> > \tocoda
> > \coda
> > \dacapo
> > \dalsegno  
> Using the functions described here :
> http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=542
> i think you will be able quickly to achieve your goal without all this
> commands.

> ... [snipped Gilles's code, an example that musically accomplishes
> segno and coda]

It works. However, my goal is not primarily about the output, but
about the simple-looking, easy-to-type, easy-to-read commands. The
output itself has already been possible for a long time AFAIK.

\repeat volta 2 {some music} makes sense. Your example works beautifully
but does not make sense. [to me.]

>From the responses so far, it appears that I might as well have asked
for a unicorn, so I'll be quiet now. :)


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