David Kastrup wrote:
> Nils <l...@nilsgey.de> writes:
>> On Wed, 1 Aug 2012 22:00:40 -0700
>> David Rogers <davidandrewrog...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The request is for six commands (NOT markups, but actual music commands
>>> that affect the MIDI output and so on):
>>> \segno
>>> \fine
>>> \tocoda
>>> \coda
>>> \dacapo
>>> \dalsegno
>> Disclaimer: I am not a Lilypond developer. But I guess the answer
>> would be something like:
>> Yes, shorter engraving commands for those are good (instead of the
>> verbose markup syntax) but the midi stuff is only wasting programming
>> resources.
> Since there are no programming resources to direct, that argument would
> be irrelevant. Anybody is free to work on the feature of his choice.
> You just can't expect others to share your own priorities.
> Working on Midi is actually rather hard because of the code being rather
> inaccessible. But that is a red herring since the job supposedly would
> be done by \unfoldRepeats anyway.
>> Lilypond is no notation sequencer. A midi output without repeats is
>> well suited for error checking by ear.
> For proofreading, don't use \unfoldRepeats. Simple as that.
> --
> David Kastrup
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Well, I allready did some brain storming how I could do something like that.
I would try to create some music function which does the preparation of the
task 'how to put the different sections of music together. And finally I
need to filter by tags (#'Part #'Score #'Midi) the resulting music snippet
in each staff.
Unfortunately for you, I have to do a lot of other staff with higher
priority to me, before I will work on this and (hopefully with success)
finally make a LSR contribution.
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