On 02/08/12 15:14, Graham Percival wrote:
Well, they have the email address of our development mailing list.

... and presumably you have theirs.  Why not be the ones to initiate the 

I've heard this "work together more" idea a few times, but I have
no clue what that would entail.  What could LilyPond do to make
GUI front-ends easier to write, better for users, etc?

At _this point_, I think the best thing to do would simply be to say, "Let's talk about ways in which we can cooperate to promote free software for music and reach out to the abandoned Sibelius community."

More generally than that, I think the reason to discuss is to _discover_ the areas where you can cooperate. There are obvious areas of interaction -- e.g. enabling Lilypond output for MuseScore and ensuring that it gets updated effectively in response to Lilypond syntax changes. But you won't know until you start talking what the real points of shared interest could be. Friendly social context, both online and preferably also offline, is unlikely to be anything other than stimulating.

Even if no actual development overlap takes place, there are still other potential areas of cooperation -- infrastructure, project management, fundraising, organizing events and demonstrations -- to make it worthwhile.

What else could we do to "work together"?  (be it with musescore,
denemo, laborejo, elysium, etc)

Start the conversation first, based around a shared interest in providing high-quality free software for music notation. Then you'll find out.

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