Some weeks back there was some discussion of the Lilypond syntax, I made some 
suggestions and was asked to write up a sample .ly file with the ideas I had in 
mind.  Basically my notion was to separate content (notes and chords) from form 
(number of bars, repeats, codas, rehearsal marks, etc.) in how things are coded 
into .ly files.  I've been playing around with that some and here is a sample 
.ly file with some of those ideas.  They may be terrible ideas, they may be 
impractical, they might require a total rewrite of Lilypond to implement, etc.  
I think like a musician, not a programmer, after all.  To me the form is the 
container of the music and it makes sense to specify the form first and then 
place the music within it.  Others may see this very differently.
The file is four bars of "Interplay" by Bill Evans with four parts.


Description: Binary data

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