Kieren MacMillan <> writes:

> Hi David,
>> Who is going to learn reading notes, let alone writing them?  Of course
>> LilyPond is only for geeks, because it is just geeks who bother with
>> writing music rather than listening to it.
> In other words, composers who use Lilypond are a [very, very small]
> subset of a [very small] subset of all people.

It is rather the rule than the exception that whenever somebody feels
the need to "rephrase" what I have been writing, it ends up being
utterly different.  It would appear that I have problems expressing
myself clearly.

People creating typeset music are certainly a much smaller number than
those consuming music in any form.  This much smaller number will
contain a higher ratio of people willing to write down basic LilyPond
notation than the general populace, or rather than the ratio of people
among the general populace willing to write input for any batch
processing system (say, LaTeX).

A full-blood composer will not let himself be turned away by the
necessity to deal with whatever it takes to create scores according to
his vision, like a full-blood painter will not let himself be
discouraged by the necessity to deal with brushes and paints.

David Kastrup

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