On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 01:24:11PM +0800, James Harkins wrote:
> Not sure if this was already discussed (I've been following the thread
> somewhat loosely), but it seems to me that git makes it a whole lot
> easier to handle a "build token" by virtue of the repositories being
> decentralized.

Yes, it does, especially if there are clear boundaries between the
responsibilities of the contributors. This seems to be the case for
Urs, and probably a lot of lilypond projects, and my introduction of
the build token idea was not a useful contribution. Sorry for that.

> Git is really awesome.


How about Urs, Susan, you and I collaborating on a one-page score via github as 
a way of confirming our understanding, and demonstrating how it can be done? 
Even a few staves would be enough to confirm a suitable workflow.

Keep it very simple. Something that any of us could write in thirty minutes, 
say, on our own, but share the work via git.



Colin Hall
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EH46 7AY

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