Hi Susan and Urs,

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 10:43 AM, Susan Dittmar <susan.ditt...@gmx.de> wrote:
> When you are done with your portion of work and all is in an acceptable
> state again, then you can pull what others did change in the mean time from
> a "master repository". This master repository is just another git
> repository for the project (a so-called clone). The only thing making it
> "master" is your usage of this repository. Again check whether with this
> update your stuff is still in acceptable shape. If so, push to the master
> repository. This will publish your changes for your co-workers.

Actually, it is possible to pull from each other - there is no
technical need for a central "master repository" (that's what being a
distributed Version Control System means).  Of course this can be
cumbersome for projects with many participants, but if there's only a
couple of people involved it should work smoothly.


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