Am 17.05.2012 12:36, schrieb Christian Andersson:
Congratulations for touching upon a "hot" subject, pretty much like
asking people what text editor to use, something that has been debated
for decades without any objective conclusion.
Personally I tend to prefer git, not only for lilypond score projects,
but for anything text-oriented. This is mainly because of its
exceptional versatility and likewise exceptional efficiency. First of
all, the lock-based approach that you describe to the inherent
concurrency of a more-than-one-person project is obsolete since many
years, so forget about that. It should not be too much of a problem
having two or more persons to edit one file at the same time, the
solution is (tool-supported) merge, in which git excels. Git is, by
the way, the tool used for source-code control of Lilypond itself,
which is indeed larger than the 200-500-file projects that you
describe. On the other hand, I personally use git for many 1-3-file
projects of mine; it scales very well.
Depending on your background in version-control tools, git may not be
the simplest of tools to learn quickly. It's not that Google lacks
pointers to a lot of documentation, but since git is advanced, many
sources can be quite difficult to consume. One of the better books in
this regard, which I'd like to recommend, is "Pragmatic Version
Control Using Git" by Travis Swicegood (2008).
Thanks for the input.
Now, sit down and await all flames from proponents of all the other
tools! Bazaar anyone? Or Subversion, CVS, whatever?
OK, but please keep in mind everybody that I specifically asked for the
use with lilypond projects ...
Cheers /Christian
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