Hi list,

I wonder how other people manage their sources in larger lilypond projects.

Currently I'm working on a project whose source folders contain ~300 files, most of them LilyPond source files.

One thing I really have come to love LilyPond for during this project is the fact that several people can work on the same scores at the same time - a result from the text based input approach. (For example: I (as the 'editor') can apply quick fixes to the musical text directly and don't have to ask the 'engraver' to do this)

But then the question of source management arises.
For the current project we have the whole file structure in a Dropbox folder. This is practical but also not really adequate - we have to do kind of 'file locks' through email ("I'm going to edit this file, please don't touch it until I tell you again") ... It's OK (as we are basically only two guys), but something I'm feeling quite uneasy with.

So are there any practical ideas or experiences for a source management for lilypond projects?

I have some ideas about but no experience with the usual tools for software development.
It would be nice to
- have a lilypond project hosted on a central server
- at least have mechanisms to checkout/lock files for individual editing
- maybe have the ability to diff/merge or something similar.
- maybe have the ability to assign 'roles' to different contributors (manage rights to grant rights for specific actions (read, edit, compile ...) or specific files)

Ideally it should be possible to have several independent projects within the same file system so that one can implement libraries that are common to all projects. But that's not really necessary. And OTOH the solution shouldn't be too big, i.e. it should be adequate for projects with 'only' 200 or 500 files.

Any ideas?
Are there other people with the need or practical experience with source management strategies for LilyPond projects?


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