2012/5/15 "Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger" <kai.lautenschlae...@me.com>:
> Hi Francisco,
> thanks for your reply. I tried it and had to change a small details. Then it 
> worked. (The expression "/Staff" is causing an error message in my version of 
> lilypond 2.15.38)
> Nevertheless I have the problem, that in the very first staff the keys, 
> timesignatures, voice-names and accidentals are showing. How can I get rid of 
> them? I attach a pdf-file  and the ly-file of the music and would be 
> delighted, if you come up with any idea…
This alternate approach makes use of the { } sequential construct and
startStaff / stopStaff. It also uses \new to create named contexts and
\context to reuse contexts with the same name. I hope it will be of a
little help. Does not solve your problem completely but mauybe it is
in the good direction.

  \new Staff ="solo" { b1 b \stopStaff }
  << \context Staff = "solo" { \startStaff b1 b \stopStaff }
     \new ChoirStaff = "bhoir" <<
       \new Staff = "sopr" { b1 b }
       \new Staff = "alto" { b1 b }
       \new Staff = "tenor" { b1 b }
  \context ChoirStaff = "bhoir" <<
    \context Staff = "sopr" { b1 b }
    \context Staff = "alto" { b1 b }
    \context Staff = "tenor" { b1 b }
  \context Staff ="solo" { \startStaff b1 b \stopStaff }

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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