2012/5/14 "Dr. med. Kai Lautenschläger" <kai.lautenschlae...@me.com>:
> Hi Everyone,
> typesetting liturgical music I need a solution for the following problem:
> I have a solo system in change with a choir staff. solo staff should go on in 
> highest choirstaff system (first tenor) when solo changes to choir. 
> choirstaff (complete) should vanish completely, when choir changes to solo.
> I could find a solution in the lilypond help. Can anyone suggest an idea?

Have you tried \stopStaff \startStaff and

\layout {
  \context {
    \Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves
    \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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