On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Josiah Boothby <josi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> When we switch over to valves, we no longer match the transposition of
>> the instrument to the key of the music, so it's only natural for other
>> key signatures to appear. To continue the tradition of valveless horns,
>> one would rather have to consider every valve press to be a change of
>> crooks that alters the transposition of the instrument, and then write
>> for this transposition until it's time for the next valve press.
> That would be hilarious. I would pay you twenty-five cents to arrange
> the horn parts to, say, Tristan und Isolde so that each new fingering
> is notated as a crook change. I'd pay fifty cents if it was actually
> legible.

Wagner sometimes got close to this. Look at the first horn part to
Lohengrin. Especially the beginning of act 3:
http://imslp.org/wiki/Lohengrin,_WWV_75_(Wagner,_Richard). It's silly.


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