Am 3/27/12 2:15 AM, schrieb Michael Welsh Duggan:
Robert Schmaus<>  writes:

the whole music is defined in a single cadenza with manual barlines in
between. so, from pov of lilypond, all the music is in one bar, thus,
the second ees doesn't sport an accidental.

Thank you.  Quite clear, and fixed in my sources.

On Sun, Mar 25, 2012, at 09:01 PM, Michael Welsh Duggan wrote:
I was writing some experimental lilypond in preparation for writing some
music functions.  The following lilypond file creates two variables
which contain a line of notes and a line of lyrics together in a cons
cell.  The score attempts to join the two.  Output is attached.  The
question is, why is the e-flat in the second part not getting its
accidental printed?  (The e-flat in the first part prints just fine.)

Hi Michael,

there's one thing about the forced accidentals that is not quite nice: you may be left with a complete mess if you try to transpose the score. as in the following example:

\score {
    \new Staff {
      \clef treble
      \key f \major

      \relative c' {
        c^\markup{ "forced accidentals" } ees fis bes
        c, ees! fis! bes

      \bar "|"
      c' c' c' c' % reset the accidentals ...

      \transpose c des \relative c' {
        c^\markup{ "forced accidentals + transposition" } ees fis bes
        c, ees! fis! bes


The transposed version is absolute rubbish ...
Thus, I'm sure there are better ways to handle the accidentals in your case. one way might be to remove time signature engravers and then use the exact signatures for each bar.

so, your example would become something like

\time 14/4
g( a g f) f a( bf c) \l c( bf) a( bf) \l g( \l a)
\time 15/4
f( a) c \l c( d ef d c d c) bf( a) bf( c) \l a


then, lilypond would handle correct accidentals itself ...
Maybe someone has a better idea ... there's amazing things that can be done with Schema, but unfortunately not by me ...


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