I was writing some experimental lilypond in preparation for writing some
music functions.  The following lilypond file creates two variables
which contain a line of notes and a line of lyrics together in a cons
cell.  The score attempts to join the two.  Output is attached.  The
question is, why is the e-flat in the second part not getting its
accidental printed?  (The e-flat in the first part prints just fine.)

Sub-question: I got rid of stems by removing the stem engraver.  The
slurs, however, look like they are trying to take into account the
missing stems.  How can I avoid this?

\include "english.ly"

l = {}  % Please ignore this for now.

aa = #(cons #{ 
       \relative f' 
       { g( a g f) f a( bf c) \l c( bf) a( bf) \l g( \l a) \bar "|" 
       f( a) c \l c( d ef d c d c) bf( a) bf( c) \l a \bar "|" } #}
       #{ \lyricmode { Qui -- a e -- du -- xi __ te __ de __ ter -- ra __
       Ae -- gy -- pti; } #} )

bb = #(cons #{
       \relative f'
       { f( a) \l c( d ef d c d c) a bf( c) a( bf c bf \l a) \bar "|"
       bf( a) bf c( d c) bf c( bf) a( \l bf \l c) \bar "||" } #}
       #{ \lyricmode { pa -- ra -- sti Cru -- cem __
       Sal -- va -- to -- ri tu -- o. __ } #} )

\paper {
  indent = 0
  bookTitleMarkup = ##f
  scoreTitleMarkup = ##f

\score { 
    \new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
    { \clef treble \key f \major \cadenzaOn
      \new Voice = "voice" \with { \remove "Stem_engraver" }
      { $(car aa) \break $(car bb) \break } }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "voice" { $(cdr aa) $(cdr bb) }

<<inline: PopuleMeus.png>>

Michael Welsh Duggan
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