On 10/03/12 10:24, Siska Ádám wrote:
On 2012.03.09., at 23:44, -Eluze wrote:Siska Ádám-4 wrote:Dear list,I've been using Lilypond for a while, but only to create excerpts of classical music. Now I'd like to try whether I could switch from hand-engraving to Lilypond with my own music. I'm trying to engrave an orchestral piece that requires 'time/space notation'. I found most of the instructions in the manual for this, however, I can't figure out how to put the first noteheads of the measures exactly over their respective bar lines (like in some of Tristan Murail's scores, for example). Could you please give me an advice on how to achieve this? Any help is highly appreciated,I can't really imagine what this should look like - can you provide an excerpt or scan of this!? thanks EluzeDear Eluze, thank you for your reply. Attached please find two PNGs. The 'current_state.png' shows an example of the settings I'm using right now (with the note head coming a bit after the dashed barline) and 'what_i_need.png' would be the solution that I'm looking for (with the barline exactly on the first note of the measure, which I solved for now with some graphic apps, but of course, that's not a real solution).
I don't know if it's of much use for your purposes, but you can use a notehead glyph as a rehearsal mark, which positions it directly on the barline:
\relative c' { d4 d d d \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'extra-offset = #'(0 . -5.9) \mark\markup\normalsize { \musicglyph #"noteheads.s2" } d }
<<attachment: test.png>>
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