Again: Thank you, David!

So now (with upcoming 2.15.31 or 2.16) one can write functions like:

bookif = #(define-scheme-function (parser location book pred)(ly:book? procedure?)
       (if (pred parser location)(collect-bookpart-for-book parser book) ))

to conditionally add bookparts or create books:

writeBook = #(define-scheme-function (parser location book paper layout file)(ly:book? ly:output-def? ly:output-def? string?)
  (ly:book-process book paper layout file))

(I know, it would also work with a scheme?-predicate, but type-safety is IMHO a good thing ;-) )

Cheers, Jan-Peter

On 27.02.2012 10:10, David Kastrup wrote:
Jan-Peter Voigt<>  writes:

Am 24.02.2012 um 16:24 schrieb:

Jan-Peter Voigt<>  writes:

Hello list,

when I use books or bookparts for (scheme-)function arguments, I
haven't found the predicate for it.
paper-book? is something else, or am I missing something?
Well, you can always use scheme? and file a feature request in the mean
Thank you David,

the scheme?-solution is what I do right now. I will send a feature
request next days.
Don't bother.

commit 09814b549186893c265bcdf835edbe242f6354cf
Author: David Kastrup<>
Date:   Sun Feb 26 11:23:39 2012 +0100

     Implement ly:book? and ly:context-def? predicates

Note that a bookpart _is_ a book as well, usually without a paper block
of its own.

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