Michael Hendry <hendry.mich...@gmail.com> writes:

> If I compile: 
> \book { \GuitarBook }
> \book { \ConcertBook }
> \book { \TrumpetBook }
> \book { \AltoBook }
> I get the correct information in the output files, but the filenames are...
> TestTag (alto).pdf
> TestTag (alto)-1.pdf
> TestTag (alto)-2.pdf
> TestTag (alto)-3.pdf
> ...although the definition of GuitarBook includes '\bookOutputName "TestTag
> (gtr)"', and so on for the other parts.

\bookOutputName sets a global variable.  Do you think the variable
should be part of the \layout or something like that?  It is not all
that obvious to me what is sitting where, so I can't deal timely with
that because of other work.  You might want to file bug report for this
so that it does not get lost.  And you might want to thing about how
this should best play together with bookparts and midi, basically making
a wishlist of different scenarios and the output files you would expect
in each case.  That makes it more likely that someone will tackle it
sooner, or that problems in the design are shaken out in the discussion
before somebody invests unnecessary work.

> It looks as though \bookOutputName is treated as a global variable,
> even though it's defined inside a \book {}

It is not as much "defined" as "called".  Look at its definition in

> which is itself defined within a variable's assignment statement.

David Kastrup

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