David Kastrup wrote:
> Michael Hendry <hendry.mich...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> Ok, tags work with music, not with books. Here is what I would suggest:
>>> ConcertBook =
>>> \book {
>>> ...
>>> }
>>> and then you can at a later point of time say
>>> \ConcertBook
>>> and can comment that line out or not. Assigning #f to ConcertBook when
>>> a command line option is set is a bit trickier, but still reasonably
>>> easy.
>> That sounds good, but when I tried it I got...
>> michael@Linley6:~/indigo/workspace/TestTag$ lilypond score.ly
>> GNU LilyPond 2.14.2
>> Processing `score.ly'
>> Parsing...
>> score.ly:92:0: error: syntax error, unexpected BOOK_IDENTIFIER
>> \ConcertBook
> Pffft. Taking a look at the LilyPond grammar (it is also in an appendix
> in the notation manual), it turns out that you have to write
> \book { \ConcertBook }
> here. Turns out that a book identifier can be used in both \bookpart
> and \book. That's a bit more for outcommenting and it becomes harder to
> use this conditionally.
> --
> David Kastrup
It's an odd way of doing things, effectively having to enclose a \book with
a \book. Not only that, but it doesn't work correctly in terms of naming the
output files.
If I compile:
\book { \GuitarBook }
\book { \ConcertBook }
\book { \TrumpetBook }
\book { \AltoBook }
I get the correct information in the output files, but the filenames are...
TestTag (alto).pdf
TestTag (alto)-1.pdf
TestTag (alto)-2.pdf
TestTag (alto)-3.pdf
...although the definition of GuitarBook includes '\bookOutputName "TestTag
(gtr)"', and so on for the other parts.
If I switch the order around...
\book { \AltoBook }
\book { \GuitarBook }
\book { \ConcertBook }
\book { \TrumpetBook }
The names all include "(alto)", as before, but the contents are
TestTag (alto).pdf - Alto Part
TestTag (alto)-1.pdf - Guitar Part
TestTag (alto)-2.pdf - Concert Part
TestTag (alto)-3.pdf - Trumpet Part
It looks as though \bookOutputName is treated as a global variable, even
though it's defined inside a \book {} which is itself defined within a
variable's assignment statement.
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