Apologies for top-posting - I'm having problems with the way my Windows
machine is quoting text.
Also apologies, Thomas, for the late reply, and pointing you to a page
yesterday that you'd already read! It was getting past my bedtime and I
wasn't reading too accurately.
It looks like what you've done is exactly right for preparing for updating
the LSR. I think you have 2 options: 1) wait until we know that the LSR
will be moved to 2.14 before doing anything else; or 2) "correct" the syntax
of the files you know have errors ready for that move. Which you do is up
to you - bear in mind that if you go for 2), then it's possible that the
work will be wasted if we struggle to get the LSR updated. However, you
will at least be prepared.
A few other comments to let you understand the LSR as well as I do - which
isn't huge.
It's used for 2 things, really - the online searchable index, and also to
create snippets that can be put in the documents. These are tagged with
"docs" in the LSR and are then included in the documentation package by
copying them over and running makeLSR on them. That's where the snippets in
the URL you showed from Savannah come from - they're a subset of the full
LSR. When one of the "docs" snippets is known not to work on the latest
development version, a working version is created in snippets/new, and this
is used in the build system in preference to the original. This is
therefore a further indication of which snippets won't work, although only
of the ones tagged 'docs'
Phil Holmes
----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Morley" <thomasmorle...@googlemail.com>
To: "Phil Holmes" <m...@philholmes.net>
Cc: "Graham Percival" <gra...@percival-music.ca>; <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 9:09 PM
Subject: Re: polychords: a working solution
Hi Phil,
2012/2/18 Phil Holmes <m...@philholmes.net>:
I'd approach this from a different direction. First of all - have a look
I read it before and now again. But please hold in mind, that I'm a
newbie with this kind of task. It might happen that I don't understand
something or even worse misunderstand.
As it stands now, I believe the files we know won't work under the current
development version are in Documentation/snippets/new: when makeLSR is
these over-write the snippets downloaded from the LSR.
Do youn mean the files from
I think it would be worth you comparing your results with the files in
I filtered the following (not compiling) files from LSR with: grep failed
I filtered the following (not compiling) files from LSR with: grep ERROR
In / Documentation / snippets / new / I found:
Not in / Documentation / snippets / new / are:
Hope that I overlooked nothing.
Am I right that only these files need manual upgrade?
Thanks for your enthusiasm - I'll definitely be asking for your help, but
think the first task is to get agreement to upgrade the binary running on
the LSR.
Shall I wait for your ok to do anything further?
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