Thank you for the info.
The reason I try this approach is because I have 96 bars of voice 1 and voice 2
comes in at bars 51-70 only. The notes on pdf seems ok except the lyrics. I
am seeking work around.
If I use new voice approach, that I need to have 50 bars rest or space before
coding voice 2.
Blessing in+,
> From: Matthew Collett <>
>Cc: lilypond-usermailinglist <>
>Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2012 7:17:10 PM
>Subject: Re: lyrics disappear
>On 12/02/2012, at 12:55 pm, MING TSANG wrote:
>> 2012-02-11_183404.png shows lyrics on the score. I added voice two starting
>> at 4th beat bar 5 to the end of bar 19 (first 3 beats).
>> 2012-02-11_183528.png shows that all lyrics in between disappear. Need help
>> figure out why.
>Don't use automatic voice creation with '\\'; it messes up the 'lyricsto',
>because it creates _two_ new voices. Instead, use an explicit '\new Voice'
>for the second voice, so that the first voice continues the original one.
>Best wishes,
lilypond-user mailing list