sorry about the include.
The following should compile.

\version "2.14.0" 
 \include ""
 mbk = \break
 global = {\key e \major  \time 4/4  \tempo 4 = 95}
 nrS = \override  NoteHead #'color = #red
 nbS = \override  NoteHead #'color = #blue
 nE = \revert  NoteHead #'color
SSa = \relative c' {
%{a13-16%} b4. cs8 b4 gs'4  fs4. gs8 fs4 e4  cs4. b8 cs4 e4  fs2. e4 
%{a17-  %} e2.
SSc = \relative c'  {    
    %{b00-08%} <<{\voiceOne b4^\markup{\box " part C "}}\\{\voiceTwo b8( 
cs8)}>> | 
    <<{\voiceOne e2. gs8( e8)}\\{\voiceTwo e2. \times 2/3{gs8( fs8 e8)}}>> | 
    <<{\voiceOne gs2. fs4}\\{\voiceTwo gs2. fs4}>> | 
    <<{\voiceOne e2. cs4}\\{\voiceTwo e2. \times 2/3{cs8( e8 cs8)}}>> | 
    <<{\voiceOne b2. b4}\\{\voiceTwo b2. b8(cs8)}>> | 
    <<{\voiceOne e2. gs8( e8)}\\{\voiceTwo e2. \times 2/3{gs8( fs8 e8)}}>> | 
    <<{\voiceOne gs2. fs4}\\{\voiceTwo gs2. fs8( gs8)}>>  | 
    <<{\voiceOne b2. gs4}\\{\voiceTwo b2. gs8( b8)}>> |  
    %{b09-12%} <<{\voiceOne b8~( b2 gs8) b8[( gs8)]}\\{\voiceTwo b8~( b2 gs8) 
b8( gs8)}>> | 
    <<{\voiceOne e2. b4}\\{\voiceTwo e2. b4}>> | 
    <<{\voiceOne cs2~( cs8 e8) e8[( cs8)]}\\{\voiceTwo cs2~( cs8 e8) e8( 
cs8)}>> | 
    <<{\voiceOne b2. b4}\\{\voiceTwo b2. b8( cs8)}>> | 
    <<{\voiceOne e2.  gs8( e8)}\\{\voiceTwo e2. \times 2/3{gs8( fs8 e8)}}>>  | 
    <<{\voiceOne gs2. fs4}\\{gs2. fs4}>> | 
    <<{\voiceOne e2. }\\{\voiceTwo e2.}>>
SScx = \relative c' {  
%{b00-08%} b4^\markup{\box " part C "} | e2. gs8( e8) | gs2. fs4 | e2. cs4 | 
b2. b4 | e2. gs8( e8) | gs2. fs4 | b2. gs4 |  
%{b09-12%} b8~( b2 gs8) b8[( gs8)] | e2. b4 | cs2~( cs8 e8) e8[( cs8)] | b2. b4 
| e2.  gs8( e8) | gs2. fs4 | e2. 
LLa = \lyricmode {
 耶  和  華  是  愛, 譲  我  安  身  靑  草  溪  水  邊, 神  令 
 我  省  察  心  中  的  幽  暗, 共  同  渡  毎  一  天.
 耶  和  華  是  愛, 在  困  境  中  衪  保  守  引  牽. 神  為
 我  擺  設  豐  足  的  恩  惠, 在  危  難  也  不  會  變.
LLc = \lyricmode {
奇  異  恩  典, 何  等  甘  甜, 我  罪  已  得  赦  免; 前 
我  失  喪, 今  被  尋  回, 瞎  眼  今  得  看  見.    
LLabc = \lyricmode {   \set fontSize = #'1.8
 \LLa    \LLc   
LLbx = \lyricmode { \set  stanza = #"2. "  \set fontSize = #'3.0
\score {
  \new GrandStaff = "GrandStaff_score" <<
        \new ChoirStaff <<
      \new Staff <<
        \clef "treble"   
        \new Voice = "Sop"  {   
            \voiceOne  {   \SSa  \SSc   \SSa  
        \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Sop" { \LLabc   }
   \layout {  indent = #'0   
    \context { 
         \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
  \midi {
        \context {
      tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 95 4)

Blessing in+,
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