On 8 Feb 2012, at 20:57, Nils wrote:

> The reason is that musicology here has more to do with Biographics or 
> Sociology. Music instrument training, notation knowledge or other 
> fundamentals of music are not required to study or teach it (University 
> Level) it in Germany. Search instead for Music Theorists, which is a seperate 
> thing here. Often combined with historical composition, it is then called 
> "Tonsatz". http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonsatz . No English translation.

In English, it is "musical composition".
This article is linked back to the German
The Swedish WP entry "Tonsättning" redirects to "Komposition", which is linked 
to the English article above.

Paul Hindemith's book "Unterweisung im Tonsatz" is in English "The Craft of 
Musical Composition".


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