
On 19 January 2012 10:10, Shevek <s...@saultobin.com> wrote:
> Keith OHara wrote:
>> For a better solution, I suggest you search the mailing list archives
>> for "MarkLine"
>>  http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2008-06/msg00159.html
>> The details of this solution seem to need updating to work with the
>> current
>> version of LilyPond, but the concept should continue to work forever.
> Thanks! I just implemented the MarkLine strategy, and it works fantastic.

Could you add this to the LilyPond Snippet Repository?


or if it doesn't work for 2.12 (the current version of LSR)

Perhaps paste your code here for others to use?

Depending on the code, I don't pretend to understand what I'm looking
at here - we could even add it as a snippet in the current Notation



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