Shevek <saul <at>> writes: > I'm working on parts for a piece at the moment, and I ran into the problem of > getting multi-measure rests to stretch to accommodate metronome markings > [without stretching spacing between notes within a measure]
I admit that I use a poor solution, shifting the space reserved for the tempo marking up by one staff space. In addition to what you have already, \override MetronomeMark #'extra-spacing-height = #'(1 . 1) Then the collision avoidance system thinks the notes can slide under the tempo mark, but the bar lines cannot. This might not work in version 2.16. For a better solution, I suggest you search the mailing list archives for "MarkLine" The details of this solution seem to need updating to work with the current version of LilyPond, but the concept should continue to work forever. _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list