Hello David,
the \sourcefilename hint is helpful! Thank you!
If I use this in my function and do a ly:parser-clone, the location is
up to date:
#(define-public showloc (define-music-function (parser location)()
(format #t ">>> ~A\n" (ly:input-file-line-char-column location))
(make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t)))
#(define-public includeLocal (define-music-function (parser location
(let ((outname (format "~A.ly" (ly:parser-output-name parser)))
(locname (car (ly:input-file-line-char-column location))))
(if (or (string=? outname locname)(string-suffix? outname
(ly:parser-parse-string (ly:parser-clone parser)
(format "\\sourcefilename \"~A\"\n\\sourcefileline
~A\n~A" file 0 (ly:gulp-file file))))
(make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t))))
Now I will look, if this is working also with ly:parser-include-string
while resetting filename and fileline at the end, so that definitions in
the included file get into the current parser.
Am 05.01.2012 17:14, schrieb David Kastrup:
Jan-Peter Voigt<jp.vo...@gmx.de> writes:
#(define-public includeLocal (define-music-function (parser location
(let ((outname (format "~A.ly" (ly:parser-output-name parser)))
(locname (car (ly:input-file-line-char-column location))))
(if (or (string=? outname locname)(string-suffix? outname
(let ((content (ly:gulp-file file)))
(ly:parser-include-string parser content)))
(make-music 'SequentialMusic 'void #t))))
\includeLocal "test.ly"
This function first compares the outname with the location name and
only includes the file if they match. (This should not work, if you
have set some output-suffix!)
This is a usable solution to me. But I would like to have the correct
location info available, while parsing the included file.
Is it possible to create an arbitrary "include"-music-function? This
would make it possible, to (for example) include all files in a
directory or matching a specific pattern.
You can start your string with \sourcefilename and \sourcefileline.
ly:parser-parse-expression has optional arguments for that purpose. If
you would consider this helpful, I might try fudging this into
parser-include-string as well.
I have not followed the reasons why we would not have
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