Hi Harm,

On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 6:50 PM, Thomas Morley <thomasmorle...@googlemail.com
> wrote:

this is great !! And I was not a little but a big blockhead.;)

Hah, no...  I'm just a fresh pair of eyes :)  Speaking of which, looking
with fresh eyes at the file I just attached, I really should have condensed
that list of nearly identical offset calculations.  (See attached for the
way I came up with.)

> The results look fine to me, except for the arpeggio of course.  I don't
> > know what the problem is here.
> The arpeggio seems to belong to the NoteColumn (with "2.15.x"),
> although the IR speaks only about Stems and NoteHeads . This means
> that a chord with an arpeggio has a bigger extent (and length) and is
> selected when passing the condition of dir-correction as being greater
> than one-note-head-length.
> It's of course possible to change the condition, but I'm not sure,
> perhaps it's a bug. Did you notice
> http://old.nabble.com/bug-or-feature-with-the-extent-of-NoteColumn-with-%222.15.20%22---td32935365.html
> where I ask about it (so far without answer)?
Yes, I saw your thread and I'd be interested in hearing the answer too.  I
just tried the file with 2.14.2, and the arpeggio works perfectly there.

> Many, many thanks!!

You're quite welcome!


Attachment: center-note-column-11.ly
Description: Binary data

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