2011/10/19  <musicar...@pop.com.br>:
> The situation is that I have to completely fill all the lilypond´s code on
> the site and then generate the score. It gets difficult to count the bars
> and the note durations and get right for the first time.
> I were wondering if there is someway to fill the code and at same time
> generating the score for me to see what I am writting?

When I am typing music with Frescobaldi, I usually type a measure at a
time and press CTLR-M immediately, then I continue typing without
waiting for LilyPond to finish.  Think of it as a sort of frequent
'manual refresh' of the PDF preview.  If my music does not always end
in a measure edge, something is wrong.  The problem would be in the
line before the current one, or the one before that.

Sure, that puts the CPU in heavy load, but only for the period I am
transcribing intensively.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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