Thank you very much Jon, the command line "lilypond --png -dpreview 
-dno-print-pages" will help me a lot. Later I will test de lily2image 
for larger scores.

I am facing another problem. I am not sure, but I think that it may be not 

The situation is that I have to completely fill all the lilypond´s code on the 
site and then generate the score. It gets difficult to count the bars and the 
note durations and get right for the first time.
I were wondering if there is someway to fill the code and at same time 
generating the score for me to see what I am writting?


----- Mensagem de ---------
Data: Wed, 19 Oct 2011 13:34:17 -0500
De: Jonathan Kulp <>
Assunto: Re: A problem with lilypond

> 2011/10/19  <>:
>> Hello, I am new to the list then I have not followed the discussion on
>> lilypond, just do not know if I'm facing the problem that has already been
>> discussed, if so I apologize.
>> The situation is that I'm developing a site with some tests on music theory
>> and I am using the language lilypond to generate the score of the tests,
>> however, it is always generated an entire page, which is bad for making
>> available on the site page, I were wondering if anyone has any solution to
>> generate the image size only occupying the space of the score.
> This came up a few months ago here:
>> Another problem is that when the sound is generated sometimes makes a loud
>> pop at the beginning of the audio. Has anyone had this problem before? What
>> to do to fix it?
> I've never noticed this before.
> Jon
> --
> Jonathan Kulp

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