On 26/09/11 21:47, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
Hi Nick,

Am Monday, 26. September 2011, 11:27:01 schrieb Nick Payne:
I'm setting Bach's BWV853 (Prelude from WTC 1), using showLastLength to
just engrave the last six bars added, and as I add bars I'm getting
warnings about unterminated ties that come and go as the bars are added.
The reason I say the warning is bogus is because there are no ties
across barlines anywhere in the piece, and when I have a look at the
bar(s) being complained of, there are no ties anywhere near.
Can you try to create a minimal example that shows the problem. Your error
messages simply don't give us any code to try to reproduce (and then track
down) the problem.

I haven't been able to create a small example that gets the bogus warning in the log, but while trying to do so I managed to reproduce what looks like a related/similar problem. When I build the example below using showLastLength, Lilypond puts a tie between the first two notes of bar 6, though there is no tie there in the source, and if I comment out showLastLength to build the entire score, the tie there disappears.

\version "2.15.12"
\language "english"

showLastLength = R1.*4

\relative c'' {
    \time 3/2
    fs2 r4 r8 fs b4. d8 |
<g, e>2 r4 r8 b e4. g8 |
    as,2 r4 r8 cs e,4 ~ e16 d e fs |
    d4. cs16 b d'2 <d b fs> |
<d fs, d> r4 r16 d c b c4. a8 |
    b2 <b g d> <b g> |
    s2 r4 r16 b a g a4. fs8 |
    g4. fs16 e <g e b>2 <g e b> |
<g e cs> r4 r16 fs e d cs( d) cs( d) e d e cs |


<<attachment: test.preview.png>>

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