On 26/09/11 19:38, m...@apollinemike.com wrote:
On Sep 26, 2011, at 11:27 AM, Nick Payne wrote:
I'm setting Bach's BWV853 (Prelude from WTC 1), using showLastLength to just
engrave the last six bars added, and as I add bars I'm getting warnings about
unterminated ties that come and go as the bars are added. The reason I say the
warning is bogus is because there are no ties across barlines anywhere in the
piece, and when I have a look at the bar(s) being complained of, there are no
ties anywhere near. I spent about half an hour trying to get a small test case
to reproduce the problem, but was not successful. I don't recall getting this
warning with previous versions of Lilypond except when there really was a tie
across the bar where the engraving started. Console log sample below.
Processing `C:/Users/Nick/Documents/lilypond/bwv853a.ly'
Interpreting music...
C:/Users/Nick/Documents/lilypond/bwv853a.ly:94:13: warning: unterminated tie
<g e
cs>\arpeggio r4 r16 fs e d \offset "Slur" #'(0 . 0.3) cs\arpeggio(
C:/Users/Nick/Documents/lilypond/bwv853a.ly:94:11: warning: unterminated tie
e cs>\arpeggio r4 r16 fs e d \offset "Slur" #'(0 . 0.3) cs\arpeggio(
C:/Users/Nick/Documents/lilypond/bwv853a.ly:94:9: warning: unterminated tie
g e cs>\arpeggio r4 r16 fs e d \offset "Slur" #'(0 . 0.3) cs\arpeggio(
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Are you using the Completion_heads_engraver?
No, I'm not using the Completion_heads_engraver.
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