On 3/08/2011, at 5:16 am, Graham Percival wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 02, 2011 at 02:59:22PM +0000, James Lowe wrote:
>> you cannot use the Mac GUI (Finder) to do
>> this - at least not easily in 10.6.
> Actually, you can.  Ctrl-click on LilyPond.app, then select "show
> package contents", then navigate to the relevant directory.
> (at least, you could do this in 10.3 and 10.4; I haven't seen any
> later osx, but I would be astounded if they removed this)

This is indeed still works, and is the way I would expect the majority of Mac 
users to access the innards of any application when needed.  There are some 
things the command line is necessary (or better) for, but moving files and 
folders around, even inside a package, is not one of them.

Best wishes,

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