Eluze wrote:

/  /Villum Sejersen wrote:
/  /
/  Separating out the voices instead  of the chord construct seems to do/
/  what you want:/
/  /
/  \version "2.15.6"/
/  voiceA = { \slurUp e'( d') }/
/  voiceB = { \tieUp c'~ c' }/
/  voiceC = { \tieDown a ~ a }/
/  /
/  \new Staff<</
/     \time 2/2/
/     \voiceA/
/     \voiceB/
/     \voiceC/
/   >>>>/
/  /
/  Experimenting with various combinations of \tieUp / \tieDown give/
/  slightly different results, but the slur and  ties are attached to the/
/  right notes./
/  /

 it seems i can't get VoiceB (the c's) to have a tie going up (with version 

Neither can I, at least not without any tweaks or overrides. :)

 this works in one voice (without to many tweaks)!
   <e' c' -\tweak #'direction #1 ~ a  ~>>2(<d' c' a>>  )

From a score-readability point-of-view Keith O'Hara's solution no.1 is clearly 
the best I have seen so far.

The following is yet another experiment, but without tweaks resulting in all 
stems down:

voiceD = { \stemUp e'^( d') }
voiceE = { \stemUp c'_~ c' }
voiceF = { \stemDown a ~ a }

\new Staff<<
  \time 2/2


Yours,  Villum Sejersen
Nørregade  1 A
DK-4500  Nykøbing Sj.

<<attachment: KOH1solution.png>>

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