On 10/07/11 18:58, James Harkins wrote:
Two questions:

1. I'm looking for the tremolo notation, common in string parts, where the 
tremolo's rhythmic value is given by the slashes (easy to do with \repeat 
tremolo) AND there are as many staccato dots attached to the note as there are 
notes that would be played by the tremolo, e.g.

{ \repeat tremolo 4 c'16 }

... except with four staccato dots on what will be displayed as a quarter note.

Can't remember the formal name for it, so I'm not sure what to search for. As 
of the 2.12 documentation, the tremolo section doesn't say anything about it.

Which gets to the next question...

2. After downloading and installing lilypond-2.14.1-1.linux-64.sh, I can only 
find locally-installed documentation under /usr/share/doc/lilypond -- but these 
are version 2.12.3. Where should I find the 2.14.1 documentation on my hard 
While attempting to answer question 2, I had a look at the web site, and the doc tarball for 2.14 is in a rather non-obvious location. Shouldn't it be available from the download page for 2.14? To find it, you have to go to Manuals, then click on "All" in the 2nd level menu at the top, and then you have the download link. Same goes for the individual PDF manuals, which used to be all downloadable from a single page (eg http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.12/Documentation/ for 2.12). Now, if I want to download the 2.14 PDFs, I have to go to a succession of different pages.

And to answer the question, the .sh file doesn't include the documentation. You can download the doc tarball from http://download.linuxaudio.org/lilypond/binaries/documentation/, which gets you the documentation in all languages in both html and PDF formats.


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