Good solution!
Tank you so much!
> The ties don't work because the expressions above don't have equal
> lengths. In other words,
> {b2\rest g'8 a c4~}
> is 8 quavers long, while
> {s2 <g,, g'>8[ <a a'>] <c c'>~}
> is 7 quavers long.
> Therefore, when you combine them using << \\ >>, you get something
> strange in result - essentially, there is a hole in lower voice music.
> That's why LilyPond doesn't know what to do with ties that appear
> there.
> I strongly recommend that you follow Marc's suggestion of writing
> these two voices separately, especially because it will correspond to
> the logical structure of the music.
> You can read more about voices here:
> Don't hesitate to ask when you have any doubts.
> Hope this helps,
> Janek

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