
2011/5/4 Mario Moles <mario-mo...@libero.it>
> In this file the function \tie don't work:
> \version "2.13.61"
> \paper { c#(set-paper-size "a4" ) }
> global = { \key c \major \time 4/4 }
> classicalGuitar = \relative c' {
> \global
> % Qui segue la musica.
> <<{b2\rest g'8 a c4~}\\{s2 <g,, g'>8[ <a a'>] <c c'>~}>>|

The ties don't work because the expressions above don't have equal
lengths. In other words,
{b2\rest g'8 a c4~}
is 8 quavers long, while
{s2 <g,, g'>8[ <a a'>] <c c'>~}
is 7 quavers long.
Therefore, when you combine them using << \\ >>, you get something
strange in result - essentially, there is a hole in lower voice music.
That's why LilyPond doesn't know what to do with ties that appear

I strongly recommend that you follow Marc's suggestion of writing
these two voices separately, especially because it will correspond to
the logical structure of the music.

You can read more about voices here:
Don't hesitate to ask when you have any doubts.

Hope this helps,

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