Hi All.

Was there a response to this below, that maybe my cataracts
missed?  If so, could the sender possibly reSend?  (I'll enlarge
my Inbox text!)

Again, the question is, How can I apply horizontal shift to one
element of a key *signature*?

FYI, the piece's performance notes clarify that its signature is
specific, not just to pitch class, but to octave registration.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: For a Weird Key Signature
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 21:02:38 -0400
From: PMA <peterarmstr...@aya.yale.edu>
To: lilypond-user@gnu.org <lilypond-user@gnu.org>

Dear List,

I have a single clef (treble) with key signature consisting
of one Natural (on 2nd-line G) and one Sharp (on above-
the-staff G), as follows:

  \set Staff.keySignature = #`(((0 . 4) . ,NATURAL)
                                             ((1 . 4) . ,SHARP))

Unfortunately the PDF output displays these signs, not
vertically aligned, but with the lower (Natural) ca 1/8"
to the right.

How can I shift it "back" that far to the left for a vertical

I have managed horizontal shifts, but not in the context
of a "keySignature" specification or its silently-printed
individual results.

Would welcome any thoughts.

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