On 27. april 2011 13:40, m...@apollinemike.com wrote:
To get cross-staff ties, you have to change how/where the tie engraver is doing
its work. Check out:
\score {
\new Staff = up \with { tieWaitForNote = ##t } \relative c' {
s2<c d>2
\new Staff = down \with { tieWaitForNote = ##t } \relative c' {
a8 ~ [ b ~ \change Staff = up c ~ d ~ ] \change Staff = down
\override Stem #'cross-staff = ##t
\override Stem #'length = #20
<a b>2
\layout {
\context { \Staff \consists "Tie_engraver" }
\context { \Voice \remove "Tie_engraver" }
Looks nice, and a similiar change for "Tie_performer" gives correct MIDI
also. It is now easy to enter this construct, and get both pdf and midi.
But there are two problems with this:
Small problem:
Ties go up or down, and lilypond usually gets this right. But not with
this trick in place, the tie is *always* in opposite direction of the
stem. So ties clash into other stuff. But this is easy enough to fix
with ^ and _. Explicit up- or down-ties are a small price to pay.
The big problem of unwanted extra ties:
When the Tie_engraver is moved to Staff, I get a lot of unwanted ties.
Specifically, if one voice starts a tie at some point in time, then
all other voices starts a tie too if they have a note starting in the
same location!
It is as if the Tie_engraver merely see that "a tie starts at this point
in time", not considering that there may be simultaneous notes where
some has a tie and some doesn't.
I guess this is a bug, and not merely a limitation of moving the
Tie_engraver to Staff?
Helge Hafting
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