I am trying to enter a piece by Grieg, which contains the attached interesting 

The manual shows how to write out an arpeggio like this, 
using a set of consecutive notes all tied to a chord.

Unfortunately, these consecutive notes also cross from the lower to the upper 
They have a common beam, so one voice jumps from one staff to another. So
far, so good. But tieing to the cross-staff chord that follows doesn't work.

A cross-staff chord must be entered in two voices, because you can't switch 
_inside_ a chord. (I tried, it was a syntax error.) 

But ties seems to work in the same voice only. So I can make the lower ties
work, but not also the upper ones.

Is this possible, or is there currently a limitation of lilypond?

If there is a solution, I hope it also works for the midi output. So simply
forcing some curved lines is not a good or complete solution.

Helge Hafting

<<attachment: probl.png>>

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