Jesse Engle-3 wrote:
> I took the time to check out a copy of the development source from the 
> repository and everything compiled and installed fine. The stickings 
> were displayed in the correct order as you said, but now there's an 
> entirely separate problem: the accents are now much lower than they 
> should be. The example I used previously illustrates this:
> \version "2.13.60"
> \new DrumStaff \new DrumVoice \drummode {
>    \stemUp
>    sn4:16_"L"_"R" ~ sn4->_"L"_"R"
>    sn4:16_"R"_"L" ~ sn4->_"R"_"L"
> }
indeed - prior to 2.13.10 it used to be right below the notehead and not
under the staff.

you can correct this behaviour with \override DrumStaff.Script
#'staff-padding = #'()

unluckily this leads to a collision with the tieā€¦ i'm not sure if this is a
bug and how to easily work around that!

> I apologise if this is not the proper venue for development-version 
> issues, but because it had to do with an issue I had in the stable 
> version, I thought it might be appropriate to post it here...Jesse
i believe that's the right place!


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