I took the time to check out a copy of the development source from the repository and everything compiled and installed fine. The stickings were displayed in the correct order as you said, but now there's an entirely separate problem: the accents are now much lower than they should be. The example I used previously illustrates this:

\version "2.13.60"

\new DrumStaff \new DrumVoice \drummode {
  sn4:16_"L"_"R" ~ sn4->_"L"_"R"
  sn4:16_"R"_"L" ~ sn4->_"R"_"L"

I apologise if this is not the proper venue for development-version issues, but because it had to do with an issue I had in the stable version, I thought it might be appropriate to post it here...Jesse

On 04/13/2011 04:05 AM, -Eluze wrote:
Jesse Engle-3 wrote:

What I wanted was for the first row of text to read "L L R R," and the
second row to read "R R L L", but Lilypond seems to have a different
means of choosing the display order. Is there any way to override this,
or is it a bug?

you can stack L and F in a \column (you will have to vertically align
lines!) or simply use the newest version of Lilypond where it is aligned
automagically as expected!


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