2011/4/11 胡海鹏 - Hu Haipeng <hhpmu...@163.com>
> Thanks. The example is quite large, so I'm sending the paper block, not so 
> complicated:
> \paper {
>   left-margin = 40\mm
>   right-margin = 10\mm
>   two-sided = ##t
>   inner-margin = 40\mm
>   outer-margin = 10\mm
>   print-first-page-number = ##t
> }
> Must I comment out the first two?


> How does binding offset work?

It is added to inner-margin. I guess we won't need it after all.

Hmm. I don't know what you want to achieve and i don't see your score,
but i suppose you need to use a non-zero value of short-indent to make
room for the instrument names - this should fix your problem. (also,
inner-margin = 40\mm and outer-margin = 10\mm look like very strange
values to my eyes...)

Try compiling examples below and se if that helps you.

==== first example ====

\paper {
  two-sided = ##t
  inner-margin = 40\mm
  outer-margin = 10\mm
  print-first-page-number = ##t

{ \set Staff.instrumentName = "full instrument name" \set
Staff.shortInstrumentName = "short name" \repeat unfold 300 { c' e'
c'' g' } }

==== second example ====

\paper {
  two-sided = ##t
  indent = 35\mm
  short-indent = 20\mm
  inner-margin = 20\mm
  outer-margin = 10\mm
  print-first-page-number = ##t

{ \set Staff.instrumentName = "full instrument name" \set
Staff.shortInstrumentName = "short name" \repeat unfold 300 { c' e'
c'' g' } }

Hope this helps,

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