I know that a simple melody is easy, just use layout{} and \midi{} to
get both. It is not always that easy though.
I am typing some traditional folk music into lilypond. In the original
manuscript, grace notes is used to specify how some pralls are to be
played. After a few of these constructs, a prall symbol (black zigzag
line above the staff) is used instead.
This saves space. And according to a musician friend, it makes life
easier for the musician too. If grace notes were used all the way, the
musician would have to read closely in case there were any subtle
differences along the way. But using trill symbols, the musician
knows to play every trill the same way.
Now the problem: I can reproduce the look, and get nice sheet music. But
I am not much of a musician myself, so I listen to the midi. But
lilyponds midi output does not interpret a prall as "play the same
sequence of grace notes as last time".
If I write the grace notes every time, the sheet music does not look so
good. I could write the piece twice - once for print and once for midi.
Cut & paste means it won't be that much work initially. But then the two
pieces could get out of sync, with errors corrected in one and not the
What I need, is to get the midi output for
\appoggiatura{e16 fis} e16
but the layout for
Is there a way to achieve this? Without having two copies
of all the notes?
The original can be found at the Petrucci Music Library
page 3.
Helge Hafting
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