Dear Keith,

Thank you, your reply is appreciated.

It seems like there a bit of a hole in the documentation with respect to the
Scheme interface, but no doubt a difficult one to fill. Apart from knowing
what an S-expression is, and what cons means, I don't know much Scheme. One
day, I'll have to try and dig through those source files.


On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 3:21 PM, Keith OHara <> wrote:

> bruys . <notenoir <at>> writes:
> >  I wondered if
> > \partcombine is supposed to work with more than two parts. The
> > documentation refers to combining "several" parts, but only shows
> > examples with two parts.
> \partcombine does not try to combine more than two parts.
> > P.S. As an aside, the Scheme function context-spec-music is referred
> Many of the less-used Scheme functions are not documented in the manual.
> The Scheme source files come with the binary distribution, so users who can
> read
> Lisp-like code can usually understand them that way.
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