Out of topic??? Tis lilypond and the thread is mutopia, what that???

2011/4/8, st...@linuxsuite.org <st...@linuxsuite.org>:
>      Unfortunately, there is an obvious error in Bach Goldberg
> Aria bar 18 that I have seen propagated to several other versions
> that have used this as source. Not good.
>    -steve
>> 2011/4/8 Francisco Vila <paconet....@gmail.com>
>>> 2011/4/8 steve <st...@linuxsuite.org>:
>>> > Howdy!
>>> >
>>> >   Hope this isn't too OT, but can't get any info anywhere else..
>>> >
>>> >   What is the status of the mutopiaproject http://mutopiaproject.org
>>> ??
>>> >
>>> >   I have discovered errors in goldberg aria, reported them to
>>> > all contacts, even added corrected source files. Also just
>>> > recently tried to subscribe to mailing list at mutopiaproject and
>>> > the subscription request(s) bounced!!  This has been going on
>>> > for at least a year. No corrections, no acknowledgement, no contact
>>> > at all??
>>> >
>>> >    Is this project dead?
>>> Sadly yes it is, in practice.  Latest updates are dec 2010 (four
>>> posts). Any posts previous to those 4 are a year old.  I'd love that
>>> Petrucci Music Library http://imslp.org/wiki/ supported maintaining of
>>> source lilypond files in the same site.  Sceaux and others just link
>>> to their own sites for sources.
>> At least we can be thankful that the project website is still available...
>>> Maybe it is a good thing that freely available scores mix scanned and
>>> typeset documents whatever their origin or the software used; but no
>>> doubt that completely free scores are only possible if you have the
>>> source _and_ the typesetting engine is free as in freedom (i.e. Finale
>>> documents are useless for me for a triple reason: I need a costly
>>> software to see them, even if a viewer is available at zero cost I
>>> still can not hack the score, and even if I could, I am not free
>>> because that viewer is prorietary software).
>> Any Linux user has at least one more reason - finale doesn't run on
>> Linux...
>> cheers,
>> Janek
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