"Dmytro O. Redchuk" <brownian....@gmail.com> writes:

> On Thu 17 Mar 2011, 18:08 Kieren MacMillan wrote:
>> Unfortunately, "lower barrier of entry" almost always means "more crap to
>> sift through".
> The more crap -- the lower criteria barrier for "what is `crap'?".
> The more crap will become "normal" and even "good thing".

Since the sieving is done in a distributed manner with manpower
proportional to the manpower producing the crap, even mostly linear
sieving will achieve letting the crap fall through.

Ask Darwin.

> Let's say, i *love* J. S. Bach very much (well, let's say), as much as
> my father and grandfather (etc). So, can i really be sure that i
> understand his music as good as my grandfather?..

There is little to understand, like there is little to understand about
why it hurts if you break your arm.  The important thing is that it
does, and the hurt is yours.  Not your grandfather's.  You can
sympathize with your grandfather, but comparing the qualities and
substance of your response seems a bit far-stretched.

David Kastrup

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